Este software permite a los usuarios crear bases de datos con eficacia y rapidez, sin importar cuál es su propósito para la creación de bases de datos son. pjx extensión de archivo es utilizado principalmente por FoxPro un programa utilizado para crear y gestionar proyectos de bases de datos. The D-Plan is also used to spearhead a joint research effort by the Sakimori and Imperial Japanese authorities to harness Nayuta power, even from non- Sakimori innovations include a Nayuta conversion drive, as well as adaptation of said power system(s) into.El. However, there seems to be something more in the D-Plan than just a Sakimori recruitment effort. D-Plan A project undertaken to find and secure Sakimori candidates, so as to awaken their innate power, and to develop them into full-fledged Sakimori, rather than having those whose talents are merely dormant being sent out as expendable troops. The junior Sakimori and the Sakimori cadets are also part of the Chofu Base PX duty crew, and serve to keep the place clean and ready for hungry soldiers. The Sakimori are based in Chofu Base, in an area specially set aside for them. Most Sakimori can tell each other apart by sensing the waveform of the Nayuta energy emitted. The positions are not constantly filled, and can remain vacant for indefinite periods of time if no successors have been found or awakened. The Sakimori assigned to each position typically remain there unless incapacitated or killed, which results in the mantle being passed to a newly-awakened Sakimori. The Sakimori's various attributes are all based upon a Far Eastern Zodiac and constellation system, with the bearers of the Four Symbols (depicted as the four people in the inner circle) becoming the closest guards of their leader, Himiko. While all living beings, from the smallest insect to the largest animal, have Nayuta power, tapping into it involves force of will and pitting reasoning against emotions, something only humans can do, as the method in which the Sakimori are able to draw out their maximum power, said to be enough to rival a battalion of thirty-six TSFs, is to have the yin and yang energies re-combine into 'Taiji' within their bodies, which sets off an artificial Big Bang that is split into yin and yang again, providing the warriors with energy, and allowing them to repeat the cycle. That power was formed from 'Taiji', the beginning of all existence, which was later split into yin and yang during the Big Bang, as two balanced and opposing forces.