
Yep voice manager
Yep voice manager

yep voice manager

During creating/editing of a Genos Custom Normal Voice, there is a case in which you may not be able to audition the pitch change of User Wave correctly.The Voice data format has been changed.

yep voice manager

Content names which include special characters (umlaut, etc.) are now shown properly when the pack data is installed on Genos.For Genos, data capacity limit of Pack Installation File has been extended.Now supports the PSR-SX900 and PSR-SX700.Incremental installation of Expansion Packs using a USB flash drive called as "Quick Installation" is now available on compatible instruments.Yamaha Expansion Manager no longer supports Windows 7.Incremental installation of Expansion Packs using a USB flash drive called as "Quick Installation" is now available on the PSR-SX900, the PSR-SX700 and the PSR-SX600 with the latest firmware.* Do not use content to be released from now with previous versions (V.2.7.0 or earlier). Now supports upgraded Mono/Portamento for the keyboards that support those functions.Expanded Drum Keys to 128 for keyboards that support 128-note Drum kits.* Do not use content to be released from now with previous versions (V2.7.0 or earlier).

Yep voice manager